5 Steps you need to take when setting your 2024 New Year Goals
The New Year is a time of inspiration, motivation, and finally starting that one thing you’ve been putting off for months. If you’re anything like me, it can be daunting to choose which desire is of God and which is from our world. As equestrians, sometimes the thing we want to work on, and the thing we should work on are on two completely different halves of the world. Here are some steps to help you choose your best goal.
While it is tempting to go all-in, make sure that your goal comes from the right place. We want to keep God and his will at the forefront of our minds as we walk into the new year.
1. Start with Prayer
While it is tempting to GO - GO - GO, sometimes the biggest enlightenment can come to us in moments of quiet. Start your goal-setting session with prayer and meditation. It’s important to be in tune with yourself and the Holy Spirit. It is through prayer that we
2. Check Your Motives
Make sure that your goals are coming from a genuine place, and not just a motive to “keep up with the Jones’”. Let your motives be from your own heart - even if it isn’t what society expects from you.
3. Be Specific
Vague or generalized goals are unhelpful because they don't provide sufficient direction. The purpose of your goal is to show you the way to who you want to become.
4. Write it down
As much as we all think that we remember everything, we don’t. Write your goal down and put it in a place where you will see it.
5. Include Others
Accountability is more powerful than your own personal will. Think of your willpower as a cup. It is full and easy to give from when you get started, but eventually the cup runs dry and has to be refilled. Persistence and community